We recently created a new logo and brand identity for Telebaby, which is a Paediatric telehealth service, assisting clients Australia wide and based in Sydney. Samuel loved the custom logo and branding suite we designed for Telebaby, with its video call icon and "y" shaped into a stethoscope. You can read about the logo and brand design project HERE.
Samuel wanted to continue the clean and contemporary design used in his branding and commissioned a custom website. Our standard practice with all custom websites starts with designing a PDF mock-up of the home page with any explanations of parts of the website (such as animations) before commencing. This allows the client to review the design of a website prior to us building it on our web design platform. This process ensures that we can make changes quickly prior to commencing the build and remove the need to make wholesale site changes after it has been completed. We have attached a copy of the website concept which you can view HERE.
This process ensures that we can make changes quickly prior to commencing the build and remove the need to make wholesale site changes after it has been completed
The website takes on the brand colours of green and blue. It is designed to be easy to understand and not overwhelm the user with unnecessary information they don't need, yet still have enough information available to inform the potential client and allow them to navigate throughout the site quickly and methodically. A number of call to action buttons appear throughout the site to lead users to relevant sections or pages such as to make an appointment, or read about the Paediatrician's experience.
Items are animated to deliberately reduce users scrolling through without reading by using scroll effects, where the information is delayed by approximately a tenth of a second before revealing itself. The site uses a moderate amount of negative space to allow the user to pause and retain relevant information as they review the website.
The FAQs section breaks up a lot of information and organises it quickly and methodically so users can choose the questions most relevant to them and their child.
The website, prior to being launched, undergoes our client-transparent SEO program which ensures it is optimised for Google search. Targeted keywords used in search are used throughout the website and we regularly test the website throughout the process to ensure all 65+ individual exams are satisfied to their optimum level prior to launch. We then provide a screenshot of the final SEO score (comprised from the 65+ exams in the test and weighted towards their importance) so the client has that as a reference.
As part of this service we also take the top ranking website on Google for the keywords we are working towards, and run the same SEO test to ensure we have surpassed their score. This gives our clients the best possible opportunity to outrank the top sites as it matures. Our sites generally score in the 90-100 percentile range. In this case the score we received was over 30% higher than the number one Google search result using our targeted keywords.
You can view the finished site via the button below!