Keeper - Logo & Brand Design - Melbourne tech company

Keeper - Logo & Brand Design - Melbourne tech company
Project Type:

Logo & Branding



Year Completed:


The project brief needed to incorporate several details that would appeal to the predominantly male demographic participating in the Fantasy AFL League.
Project Details:

Logo & Brand Identity Design for Fantasy Football Tech Startup

Ryan from Keeper Fantasy got in touch earlier in 2024 to discuss a new Fantasy Football League he was developing to service the growing segment in Australia. His brief was to create a logo and brand identity for Keeper which had to;

  • Appeal to the mainly male dominated demographic but also to not exclude in its design
  • Look like a brand that fits in the sports market segment
  • Feature bold type in the logos which contained type
  • Have a distinctive icon which would be used for phone apps
  • Not use a shield so as not to look too close to other logos in the market
  • Not to use a trophy within the logo form as many others in the same space were doing so

Some of the "nice to haves" but not necessary were;

  • an abstract representation of an AFL ball which the first fantasy league would be built to service
  • the ability to change the logo for other sports in which a fantasy league could service (such as basketball)
  • linking the double "E" in the name

Initial Design Concepts

We put together four different logos (along with derivatives of those concepts) in the design concept phase which met the design brief. One was met with an initial response of potentially being suitable. We left it with Ryan for a few days to look over prior to taking the chosen concept and evolving it to the phase of finished logo.

Time to start again!

Ryan touched base with us several days later after reviewing the logo in detail. Upon his review, he felt that the logo which he initially liked the concept of wasn't the look he was going for with his brand. As we explained to Ryan before we started the design process, sometimes the initial concepts won't resonate well and the positive outcome we can achieve from the process is that we learn what the client doesn't like and we can start fresh with a more defined brief and path forward.

The brief had now changed to including a shield container in the logo suite as Ryan felt that this was a good visual representation of a fantasy football league. The text was to remain bold with a heavy weight used but preferably be italic in format. As Ryan had selected a typeface to use in his website under development, the text used in the brand suite needed to be able to co-exist (or use) a Google font "Poppins".

New concepts following the revised brief

We designed two new concepts using the revised design brief which also included a number of derivatives/variations of those concepts. These included one version with a shield and trophy and another with a shield in which we had created an inbuilt shadow giving some depth to the logo.

Ryan was instantly drawn to the latter. We then used that design and created a number of colour options to show how it could look throughout different collateral.

After a few tweaks and tidying up, we had an approved logo form selected which was used to create a full branding suite including a primary logo, landscape, square format and a number of icons which could be used by themselves or as branding elements throughout different collateral. As with most logos we create, we also designed a set to use on a dark or light background and still provide high contrast to ensure legibility. A single colour option was also created which can be used as a watermark or in the corner of social media tiles.

The finished logo suite containing (from L-R) the primary logo, landscape logo (perfect for narrow navigation bars on a website), the square format along with two alternative icons

Part of the development of the icons (shown on the right in the above image) was the creation of an AFL football inspired shield. This features stitching found on a Sherrin football used in the AFL and was also a factor as to why red was used as the colour for the identity. It shows how light coming from one side onto a football will make the next panel around the ball seem darker.

The primary logo was then developed into a single colour logo as shown in the below diagram. This allows it to be used for single colour printing, embroidery or as a watermark on various collateral. These were created by removing all non-essential elements including the shadow red panel.

Single colour logos shown above.


We were really happy with the finished result. The various logos used in the branding suite will suit a wide range of purposes and we look forward to seeing Keeper grow into the premier fantasy football leagues in Australia.

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