Collectors Space Logo & Branding Design Project

Collectors Space Logo & Branding Design Project
Project Type:

Logo & Branding


Collectors Space

Year Completed:


Create contemporary logo for custom cabinet maker specialising in display solutions for collectables including trading cards, memorabilia and wine.
Project Details:

Designing a logo for custom cabinet maker (with a twist!)

Collectors Space is a custom cabinet maker located in Melbourne Australia. The business concentrates on custom joinery and cabinet making with a twist. If you have trading cards, memorabilia, wine or even collectable toys, they can design and build a custom space so that you can display your collection/s to their full potential!

Our initial design meeting revealed the many types of collectors that were catered to which ranged from trading cards (eg. sports or game cards) through to collectable toys, memorabilia and through to wines and fine watches. With this wide demographic being catered to, we needed to create something that would be suitable for both a Pokemon Card collector, through to collectors that may have a collection of gaming consoles, luxury watches or rare and expensive wines. The design needed to work with over-the-top cartoon graphics as well as luxury items. No small task!

Coming up with a starting idea for the logo

Breaking down the logo so we could determine a way forward, the one constant was that the collectable no matter what it was, would normally reside either in its own room or area where the cabinets would be built. This gave us the idea of the logo giving the impression of a space or room used to display the collectables. Some other ideas suggested by the client was using a gorilla in the logo. The challenge here was making it work across the entire demographic being catered to.

The following image shows an early unfinished design concept which was used as a starting point for the final logo selected by the client. This version (shown in a range of colours for the client's consideration) shows a room or space illuminated by feature lighting with the word "Collectors" broken into three lines symbolising the custom collectables many forms.

Example logos
Early logo design concepts shown which formed the basis for the final logo selected by the client. Copyright © Outspoken Entourage.

Working on the final concept

The chosen concept for this project was also presented in the same concept review meeting with the client. Its form was taken from the original "enlightened room" concept shown above but features a more simplified style which better suited the large variety of collectors the logo was to appeal to. It also works better when used as a small icon which may be used on finished projects. It features a custom formed shape/container which itself is a "space" housing the "collectors" word. The word has also been split into three different lines which has the effect of users needing to do a double take on the logo to digest the word (results in memory retention) and also to symbolise the many different forms the collectables may appear in (eg trading cards, memorabilia, art, wine etc).

With a selection made, we then worked on the logo creating final art painstakingly working on spacing and ensuring that measurements and an ideal set of rules were followed when reconstructing for final sign off. An example of the spacing used in the final art of this logo is shown below.

Diagram showing spacing used for logo design
Diagram showing spacing used throughout the finished logo

The magenta lines shown in the diagram above show the equal spacing used around the major text of the logo to the container constraints. These were too wide to use around the secondary text (the word "space") when critiqued by eye so the cyan guides were used for this spacing. The spacing of the magenta guides also had the effect of needing to reduce the size of the word "space" to conform with the guides which was not ideal, particularly when the logo was used in smaller applications.

The cutout located midway on the right hand side equals 2 x stacked horizontal magenta guides.

Use of the logo to suit differing demographics

The flexibility this logo allows means that it can be used equally as well in collectables such as trading cards along with other collectable types such as luxury items. The examples shown on this page (see posters) show its use themed for sports (baseball and basketball shown) as well as trading cards (Pokemon shown on the far right poster) and for subjects such as wine collecting (see pull-up banner).

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